At first I was wary to believe Simmons' characterization of All-Star weekend which was based mostly on 3rd hand accounts which sounded exagerated. Then the police figures seeemd to show that it wasn't any worse than any other big weekend. But I still didn't like Scoop's article at all, and now I am on board with Simmons. With 400 arrests, it seems pretty clear that the Po-po had their hands full and probably made all the arrests they could. Thus, 400 could really be close to the most arrests they could have made given the number of officers.
But what really changed my mind was the account of what I consider a much more reliable voice, even though I heard it second hand. A certain former professional basketball player who I am related to spoke with Big T - Thurl Bailey - On Thursday night (conincidentally the occasion of the conversation was in Logan at the outstanding USU-Nevada basketball game on Thursday). Thurl agreed with Simmons assessment of the atmosphere in Vegas that weekend and said that it seemed like one long rap video (that is a paraphrase). I don't know how many rap videos the Mormon gospel singer watches, but I think he meant pretty much what Simmons described.
Just thought I'd drop a couple names, I'm out.