In today's edition of the Lunch Club Blog, I am posing the following question:
What advice would you give our dear friend Jamshid in preparing for and taking the California State Bar on February 27, 2007, through March 1, 2007? My suggestions are as follows.
My first suggestion would be to take some time to study for the bar. I found in my own personal preparation that studying before the test acquainted me with the subjects of the exam. I think that it was helpful to learn the topics before taking the test.
My second suggestion would be to find something that you can do during the test that will drive the other test takers to distraction without disqualifying yourself from the exam. It has to be something that is sufficiently distracting that it will drive other people's test scores down while being sufficiently innocuous to avoid expulsion from the exam area. I personally used loud, wet coughs that bothered those around me with either the noise or the spray. Try typing at eighty words a minute while looking at someone's cough spray on your monitor.
Finally, allow me to suggest copious amounts of caffeine pills. I hear that they will keep you awake while improving mind function. However, make sure that you don't mix them up with your Viagra or it will be the longest exam of your life.
Fellow lunch clubbers, please feel free to add your comments as you feel appropriate.
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