Friday, February 9, 2007

In Response to al-Sadr

My guess on the song is "American Woman" by that Canadian band Guess Who, including that best mormon rocker ever--Randy Bachman (who later formed BTO).

al-Sadr probably believed the common misconception that the song is anti-american and refers to the US government and their involvment/imperialism in foreign lands. Just look at the lyrics, and, if you believe it's refering to the US government, it is the perfect anthem for al-Sadr, and al-queada for that matter. Not to mention that it is a good jam.

American woman, stay away from me American woman, mama let me be
Don't come hanging around my door I don't want to see your face no more
I got more important things to do Than spend my time growin' old with you
Now woman, said stay away. American woman, listen what I say.

American woman, get away from me American woman, mama let me be
Don't come knocking around my door I don't want to see your shadow no more
Colored lights can hypnotize Sparkle someone else's eyes
Now woman, I said get away American woman, listen what I say.

Now the truth is that the group came up with the tune in a jam session, and one of the guys ad libbed most of the lyrics on-stage. It was more their return to Canada after a long American tour. They were glad to see the women that they had grown up with in Canada. So it really is about American Women.

As a side note. Bachman became a mormon after he met a Mormon model. They were married and later divorced. Upon Bachmans second marriage he converted his new wife to the LDS church, just as his first wife had converted him.

1 comment:

Morgan Fife said...

I can't help but think that he is listening to something in a foreign language that he would find absolutely offensive if it were in Arabic.

I also have the inkling that he might be listening to a book on tape. Maybe the Koran in a digital format? Maybe Julia Child's newest cookbook?

Of course, it might just be the Al-Jazeera podcast.