Sunday, February 11, 2007

Barack Hussein Obama

So Mr. Obama was on 60 minutes tonight, and the following things came out of that peice.

When asked about the (silly) "Are you black enough?" question on 60 Minutes, Senator Obama answered, "when I'm catching a cab, nobody's confused about that."

When Mrs. Obama was asked if she is worried about his safety running for president, she answered, "as a black man, Barack can get shot going to the gas station."

Give me a break! Does anyone really beleive that Barack has any trouble getting a cab? When was the last time he tried to hail a cab? I'm guessing its been at least a couple of years. And do tall thin, half-black peopel with a cheerful disposition wearing a suit and tie really have that big of a problem hailing a cab? I doubt it. Especially in the neighborhoods Barack likely frequents (U. of Chicago Law Professor, State Senator, US Senator).

And I don't believe for one second that Barack's life has ever been threatened at a gas station andymore than you or I. Especially since he grew up in Indonesia and then private-school in Hawai'i. And are we supposed to believe that black man often get shot at gas stations? By white people? For being black? Whatever. This is why I'm voting for Hillary.

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