Monday, February 19, 2007


I apologize for my silence up until this point. You see, this blog has created quite the dilemna for me: do I give credence to this effort as President of the Lunch Club despite its founder ignoring corporate protocall and the proper channels of approval, or do I ignore such technicalities and avail myself the opportunity to shed enlightenment upon my subjects thereby improving company moral? As you might have guessed, I have opted for the latter. But lest there be any confusion, I offer the following: THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THIS BLOG ARE SOLELY THOSE OF THE AUTHOR(S) AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THE VIEWS OF LUNCH CLUB, INC. OR ANY OF ITS SUBSIDIARIES.


Jamshid said...

Dude, did you not get the memo that we're an LLC, or were you "out to lunch?"

Morgan Fife said...

I would like to welcome the Honorable Mr. Garn to the Lunch Club Blog. As our current President, I am sure that you will offer precious insights into the mission and the future of the Lunch Club.

Melissa Garn said...

We actually changed our status to a C Corporation because of the distinct possibility of going public. Truth be told, I am proud of you for paying enough attention in Business Associations to recognize the difference.