Monday, February 12, 2007

In response to Barack

I am not sure where I fall with regards to Mr. Obama, but I don't think that his statement concerning the cab is so bad. I think that it goes toward showing a larger reality: no one ever forgets that he is black even if he is a half-white, former law professor from a somewhat conservative law school. Now, the real question is whether no one is forgetting that he is black because that is the nature of our society, because the press never seems to stop talking about it, or because the Obamas never let anyone forget about it. I think it might be a mix of all three.

Now, with regards to the gas station comment. That comment is so freaking ridiculous. Of all the replies that she could have made, this one seems to be the stupidest. Like the blogger formerly known as the Voice of Reason pointed out, is she trying to make a comment about whites? Blacks? What?! Why not take a historical route and talk about other individuals that faced violence on account of their beliefs and socio-political activity? Why not talk about MLK and RFK? I think her comment, and to a lesser extent the comment made by Mr. Obama, attempt to play off a reality that is likely not the Obamas' reality. This is why I am writing in Evan Bayh.

1 comment:

Voice of Reason said...

I'll give you the cab thing, and agree with you as to the gas station remark.

As to who is keeping his blackness in the public eye, I will blame the media. They will surely not let us forget, and even if Barack reminds us constantly, I couldn't blame him for it since that is what has the media fawning over him and has gotten him all the support as he has received so far. That is as long as he doesn't play the victim. He is also in the akward position (for a black man) of possibly not being seen as a "real black man" and running against the wife of "the first Black president." He will surely have to win the black vote to win the democratic primary. I personally don't think he will have too much of a problem with the black vote. But what do I know? I'm not black. He does seem quite impressive to all people, including me, if you listen to his words and don't look past the surface.

PS my intent is not to make this a political blog. Sorry.