Monday, February 12, 2007

Making a dollar the old fashioned way

On Saturday evening, Jennie and I attended an Elders Quorum Valentine's Day dinner. As we were walking out of the dinner, we noticed that it was raining and I mentioned to a friend and his wife that I would bet him a dollar that someone during church on Sunday would thank God for all of the moisture that we had received. (I don't need to get into it, but I have a long standing complaint with Jennie that the church is too tied to its agrarian roots and that every time we get the smallest amount of rain people are praying about it in sacrament meeting.) Well, my friend took me up on my bet.

After finishing up our conversation, Jennie and I got into our car and headed home. Before we were even out of the parking lot, Jennie looked over at me and told me, "Oh yeah, the bishop called this week and he would like you to say the opening prayer." So yesterday, church got underway, the bishopric made its announcements, we sang the opening hymn, and then I walked to the pulpit. Before starting to pray, I looked over at my friend, gave him a smile, and then proceeded to thank God for all of the moisture that we had received. Easiest dollar that I have ever made.

1 comment:

Melissa Garn said...

Due to the untimeliness of this post, it will certainly go unnoticed, but that was one funny story--one you might be telling in hell.